Featured Experiences
Interpreted for actors during press interviews, red carpet photo sessions and media interviews, and post-screening stage Q&A for an Apple TV+ documentary at TIFF 2024.
Press Conference for Environmental Projects, Samsung and Ontario
Interpreted the press conference for the solar and wind energy project of Samsung and Ontario
Image from https://www.thestar.com
MOU between NRC and KIAT
Interpreted the MOU signing ceremony between
National Research Council of Canada and
Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology, attended by
the Canada’s Minister of ISED, South Korea’s Minister of MOTIE, and the presidents of NRC and KIAT.
Photo taken by Gamache Photo
This photo is the property of NRC.
2018 Pyeong Chang Winter Olympic Press Conference
Interpreted the press conference to promote 2018 Pyeong Chang Olympic.
Image from https://hanca.com/
MOU between Korea Gas Safety Corporation and CSA
Interpreted the meeting between Korea Gas Safety Corporation and CSA entering into the MOU
DOING BUSINESS IN ONTARIO at Ministry of Economic Development and Growth
Interpreted the annual seminar targeting the business immigrants from Korea.
Conference on Governments' Procurement, KOTRA
Provided simultaneous interpretation for the Korean and Canadian Governments' procurement conference.
HanVoice North Korean Human Rights Workshop
Provided simultaneous interpretation from English to Korean and Korean to English to the stakeholders at the workshop for North Korean Human Rights.
Korean Delegation visiting Toronto
Interpreted Korean Delegations visiting various facilities in Toronto including CBC, universities, health care facilities, nuclear power plant, superior court, government agencies, etc.
© 2022 By Cindy Lee, the Korean interpreter & translater